Saturday, June 02, 2007

I don't approve of this AT ALL

Read this article from the San Francisco Chronicle.

Now, I know that we've all been frustrated with fast food before. It's late, you're hungry and tired and there's good old reliable McJackintheKingBurger. You pull in, receive your food through a tiny window, drive for a bit, stop to enjoy your modest repast and discover that they forgot to give you ketchup. Or that the Chicken Nuggets dipping sauce is only good for two nuggets and you've got eight more sitting in a box. And the Chicken Nuggets REALLY need dipping sauce. It's unAmerican to eat them without.

But this, this, this, is unbelievable. To shoot a manager over not enough Chili Sauce.

Have we all gone mad? What's next? The Mustard Murders?

Condiments must be consumed in a civil manner. Or else we are all doomed!

Condiment Grrl


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