Thursday, March 29, 2007

Aloha, my lovelies!

I'm off to Hawaii in the morning to experience all kinds of Hawaiian condiments like chile pepper water and other things which I don't know about...yet. It's all part of the discovery of travel. As soon as I consume my recommended quota of pretty drinks with umbrellas in them (sigh, if *only* they were edible, condiment umbrellas. Somebody should get on that right away.) I may order a dish or two and see what dipping sauces are brought to my table.

So, I don't know if I'll be getting to the blog while I'm away, but we'll see.

In the meantime, a tidbit. I was watching an excellent HBO series, Rome, and had a condiment alert. A smoking hot soldier by the name of Titus Pullo, one of our heroes, was leaving for a long journey and battle. And before he left, he absolutely had to fill his flask of vinegar. Vinegar, like most condiments in the days before Heinz, was an expensive and rare thing that would be coveted and appreciated for days.

Perhaps I should fill my vinegar flask before I go. You never know what they're going to serve you on the planes these days!


Condiment Grrl


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