Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why don't I like Roasted Red Peppers? Why?

And why is it a main ingredient in so many otherwise tempting sauces? Many an otherwise enticing restaurant dish has turned me off when I see that the rub or garnish or marinade consists of roasted red bell pepper. The mustyish taste does NOTHING for me.

Short post. I'm still in a bit of pain. Again, I say sweet muscle relaxants.

Tonight, I was nibbling on huge, lucious red onion rings. I could have reached for the ketchup, but instead, I used the sauce provided -- a reddish, tasty-looking froth of roasted red peppers. I really tried.

I just don't like it. I like raw bell peppers, but I can't stand them cooked. Why? And why won't the rest of the world follow my lead and leave them out of sauces, so I can really live up to my charter and enjoy all condiments.

So many mysteries.

Condiment Grrl

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Grrl. Hope all is well. Just popping by to say hello! Note to self - always reach for the old standby (ketchup) when munching on onion rings. It's twosome that cannot easily be broken up.


6:36 AM  

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