Friday, January 12, 2007

Winter is a time for reflection and cleansing...

I've eaten no new condiments over the last couple days. I've just wearily contemplated the approximately 93858489 open jars and bottles in my fridge that I'm not going to eat. I curse the copy writers who created such attractive labels that caused me to purchase a lime cocktail sauce or a supposedly hot salsa. Curse you! I wish I could send these opened and slightly used jars and bottles to your houses to fester there.

You know what we need? More tiny sample bottles. A few varieties of mustard, like Stonewall Kitchen (look up the link yourself on the sidebar. I'm tired and cranky), do sell a selection of their products in almost Hello Kitty sized containers. Often tasteful, always adorable. But most of the time, if I want to try something, I have to by at least 8 ounces of it.

And, to be truthful because winter is a time of self-reflection and deep, dark, true mugs of hot chocolate, there are some that I've opened and enjoyed, but not enough to keep using at the rate they require. I waste food.

Or do I? I'm contemplating a monthly party where I would put out all of my condiment varietals, invite people over, and let them have at it with bread and vegetables and fried meats.

In the meantime, I will just blur my eyes when I open the fridge and reach for the ketchup.

Condiment Grrl


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