Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Weight Watchers and a Mother's Love...

So, Condiment Grrl went a little hog-wild over the holidays and imbibed far too many cream and egg based sauces. And maybe a succelent piece of fried meat or two too many. Whatever, but with the new year comes a hard look at my waistline and it's back onto Weight Watchers.

One thing you have to keep an eagle-eye on when you're dieting is the sauces and extras you put on your food. You may be adding more calories and fat than you think. For instance, tonight, we enjoyed salmon (1/2 a fillet is 7 WW points!). And when I enjoy salmon, I very much enjoy my salmon sauce -- usually a Dill Seafood sauce from, who else, Norman Bishop. But I checked out the point content and found that I could either have a glass of wine or an additional tablespoon of the Dill Seafood sauce. Dilemna! I mean, it shouldn't be, I'm Condiment Grrl, not Boozy Wino Grrl. Hmmm...there's a new blog idea. But, I need my red wine. So, I mixed some G*D mustard in with the Dill Seafood.

The Dill Garlic mustard is amazing. It tastes creamy, but it has only wholesome ingredients and NO WEIGHT WATCHERS POINTS. It really, like that chocolate sauce that turns into a shell over ice cream, is a miracle of nature.

Now, we all know how much I adore and dote on Baby Balsamic. She's the apple of my eye. And tonight, we were both enjoying carrots and dipping them into G*D mustard and she kept demanding "another carrot!" and "more sauce!" until she almost consumed half of one of my precious jars.

I guess when it comes down to it, I love Baby Balsamic and red wine almost as much as all my condiments.

But no chocolate sauce over ice cream for me for awhile. Sigh.

Condiment Grrl


Blogger Christopher said...

*Sigh!* I know the feeling. I had my bi-annual blood cholesterol check last week, and now I must stare forlornly at the small tub of bechamel sauce I made just prior, now sitting sad and lonely in my fridge, and contemplate which is worse: mixing it with some melted cheese and pouring it over steamed brocolli, thus completely going against my physician's stern admonishments; or dumping my beloved white cream sauce down the drain.

2:00 PM  

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