Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Stocking Condiment the First

As you may have already figured out, I am a strange one. As a child, I received jars of pepperoncini and olives in my easter baskets and christmas stockings. And now that I've grown up, Santa has grown up with my tastes and delivers me a new condiment or two in my stocking. No coal for Condiment Grrl!

I received a jar of Garlic with sun-dried tomatoes. Please note that I always capitalize Garlic. It's a sacred thing. It's a oily paste with chunks of garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. And that's about it. And you know something -- it doesn't need anything else. This item is smart enough to get the hell out of the way of flavors that don't need a lot of fixin', if you know what I mean. It's rich and flavorful and went really well with a piece of salami that Big Daddy Condiment was kind enough to leave in my refridgerator when he stayed over the holidays.

There is one thing that upsets me. We all know how crap I am at taking food photos for this blog. I really suck, as evidence of posts back will show you time and time again. So, lately I've been going to the website of the product I'm talking about to get a product photo.

Here's the "official" photo of this product:


Tell me I couldn't do better. It's all dark and weird.

They offer a lot of suggestions for ways to use this great mixture - stir-frying with chicken and pasta, swiped onto petite french breadlets, but my favorite, which I have yet to try, but it's intriguing is "stir into creamy ranch salad dressing or a vinaigrette." Also, I think this might be really good with gnocchi or baked potatoes. Or just spooned right out of the jar, but eating straight Garlic isn't for the faint of heart.

Condiment Grrl Posted by Picasa


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