Thursday, August 10, 2006

Meta-Meta-Meta Condiments and Tequila

I got my hair cut and dyed the other night. I wanted more of a deep salsa red, but the hairdresser, yanking and pulling at my thick hair ("I can make you PRETTY!"), refused and gave me more of a milk chocolate mole with a scoche of ruby red cocktail sauce. I like it very much. Keeping with my theme, Mr. Mustard asked me to pick up a jar of salsa for our little taco bar for two.

I stared at the wide selection and fondled jar after jar, searching for the perfect mixture of tomatoes, onions, chiles and spices that would accent turkey burger filling and black beans. Newman's Own actually makes some good stuff and it all goes to good charities. But it's hit or miss and I really wanted my meal to be perfect, to celebrate my new hairdo. Now, I must admit that I, like many consumers, am easily swayed by a decent label. So, I was quite taken with this label (you'll see that my food photography skills have not improved):

I liked the Circus/Day of the Deadish art and I especially liked this word, TEQUILA. If you look closely, you'll see "Made with Tequila Nacional." Mmmm...Tequila. A great alcoholic vehicle for salt and lime. And added to salsa, it adds a nice finish to the subtle burn of a chunky salsa.

Now, tonight at a work barbeque, the wife of my feudal lord (or my manager), inadvertently created a meta-meta condiment. Since salsa could be twisted around to be a meta condiment. While cleaning up the rubble of the que, she spooned a reddish sauce into more reddish sauce in a jar. But she was spooning cocktail sauce into salsa. She gasped and said "Oops! I made an error!" and I quickly replied, "But is it an error? Is it ever an error?" So, we decided to try the new concoction with items intended for salsa and cocktail sauce: shrimp and tortilla chips. In both cases, I thought the horseradish tickle and the sweet tomato sauce blended well into the spicier salsa.

But, then again, I'm a special case.

I generously provided a range of condiments from my private collection, including G*D mustard and Holy Jalapeno relish. I explained my relationship to each one and described how many I had at home. Some people appeared to enjoy my strange array; others preferred to stick with the standard French's and ketchup (You know who you are).

I think they think I'm a little weird. That's okay.

My condiments love me.

Condiment Grrl Posted by Picasa


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