Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lemonaise or DIY?

I mentioned in my last blog that I recently purchased a new condiment, Lemonaise, that I've been eyeing for years. I had avoided it because I figured I could just mix lemon juice and whatever else I was peckish for into a base of mayonnaise and not spend the extra dollars on someone else's idea of a lemon dip. Oftentimes, you'll find that the flavor advertised on the bottle is buried beneath the guar gum and corn syrup and you're left with a vaguely dissatisfied taste on your tongue (which reminds me of too many spin-the-blistick games in college, but a-HEM). This is genuinely light and lemony. (Disclaimer: I did buy the light version, so I'm not sure how the full fat version tastes. Someone let me know.)

Last night, I had some roast chicken slathered with my usual Lemon Dill & Caper sauce, but I carefully placed a bit of the Lemonaise on the side. Definately two different experiences for two different moods. As I dipped the chicken, either by fork or by hand, into one of the two sauces, it quickly became apparent that Lemonaise was the right choice for chicken in the summer. It was just lighter and the lemony flavor floated right to the surface.

And it begs the old question about time versus money - do I want to spend the time creating a "metacondiment" or do I want to buy something pre-bottled? Obviously, looking at the massive number of jars of fennel/avocado salsa/chutney/horseradish, etc. many people want to buy a higher class of meal without doing the work involved. You can just slather on a delicious specialty mustard and toss something in the oven for half an hour and you're a great cook. It's all part of making our lives easier and that's not a bad thing.

But the Lemonais drove home why I am here for you, why I devote my life to you, my dear readers. I want to help you navigate the shelves and easily create fabulousness in your kitchen. And I may occasionally help you create something from scratch. Sometimes it doesn't matter what you eat, it's what you dip it into. Which again reminds me of the spin-the-blistick game so I must sign off.

Your devoted,

Condiment Grrl


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