Friday, July 28, 2006

A Happy Discovery

Greetings, sister and fellow condiment lovers. I am taking a brief breath from inhaling a jar of G*D mustard. I just got a shipment after a few dry months and I'm pretty much bathing in the stuff. But there are other mustards and condiments to review and write about so you, the hungry masses, will be able to appropriately dress your salad, pasta, roadkill, etc. with a prepared substance that will make the laziest among us appear to be the sweatiest sous chef.

Condiments come into our lives in the most sublime ways. Today, Baby Balsamic and I were frolicking with other mothers and tots at our weekly mother's group. After a sampling of the usual mother's group fare: scones, coffee, fruit, the host mother, Abigail, raised an eyebrow at me and asked "would you like to try a new condiment?"

Is the Pope Catholic?

Is Smokey the Bear a Bear?

Is Pat Robertson the biggest Republican liar with no direct line to anything remotely approaching God?

Yes, Goddess, yes!

She then served me tiny melba toasts with a dollop of a Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto. Now, it's hard to mess up sun-dried tomatoes, but it's been known to happen. And this took sun-dried tomatoes by the hand and led them into a happy group marriage with Olive Oil, Parmesan Cheese, and Garlic. No pine nuts or basil, but it had that distinctly pesto-ish finish. Of course, Baby Balsamic, seeing me with my eyes rolled back in my head, had to partake as well.

This pesto is locally made by Anne's Pesto and contains no additives or preservatives. In fact, the ingredient list ends with the charming detail: "and a Hint of Maple Syrup, Salt & Black Pepper." No hidden bad chemicals, something that I know I often write about. I try and avoid processed foods when possible, but with my love of condiments, they tend to sneak in so I am especially enamored of all-natural products.

Below is a rather awful photo of their jar. Really, I will improve my photos in the future. I will.


I have yet to try this condiment in the making of a dinner, but Big Daddy Condiment is coming for Sunday dinner and we'll see if I can impress the original crazy sauce-maker himself. My father was the one who introduced me to my favorite condiment, really a "meta-condiment" (a condiment comprised of other condiments), a homemade Thousand Island dressing of ketchup, mayonnaise, and red wine vinegar. Just the thought of it still makes my mouth water.

I will post the results of my first foray into the happy world of Anne's Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto.

Off to a photography lesson,

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