Monday, July 17, 2006

A Tale of Two Condiments

At my birthday party last year, I requested that people bring me condiments as a tribute offering. And oh boy, did my friends answer the call. I got a whole line of Jim Beam products (their gourmet ketchup was pretty good) and a crazy variety of strong mustards, many of which I still haven't touched. That's how many jars of goodies I received. Truly, I am blessed with far too much tribute ("you got that right" growls Mr. Mustard from nearby).

So, recently we were having lamb chops for dinner. Imagine if you will, the disappointment on my face when I opened the refridgerator to find no trace of my favorite accompaniment to baby sheep: Roasted Garlic and Onion Jam. I like the spikey sweetness of an unlikely jam for a very sweet meat. I was devastated. I turned to my condiment cabinet, which houses many unopened condiments. I found two possible dates for my frisky chops and opened them both ("Both? Christ." grumbled Mean Mr. Mustard): Holy Jalapeno and Spiced Cranberry Apple Chutney from The Silver Palate.

I had high expectations for the chutney; the Silver Palate Good Times cookbook is an excellent resource and contains one of my favorite recipes for Chicken Marbella. The ingredient list was promising: Cranberries, Apples, Sugar, Walnuts, Orange Rind, Wine Vinegar, Salt, Spices. Nothing unwholesome or partially hydrogenated. However, hardly any of those tastes came through. It tasted like a robust cinammon apple sauce. The savory elements were hidden and I could barely taste the cranberries. Don't get me started on the walnuts. I don't believe they were there. I think they held the jar up next to a walnut tree and called it good.

The Holy Jalapeno, however, was a great surprise. I forgot who gave this to me, but if you're reading this - THANK YOU. A really spicy, sweet, well-balanced relish that enhanced my chop with the nicest little kick at the end. It really looks like relish, like good old fashioned hot dog relish, but when you put a bit in your mouth you're taken out to more than the ball game. And none of the fructose corn syrup or any of those bad things. The company that makes it only makes the relish and t-shirts celebrating the relish. I do wish they'd branch out a bit. They cleary have the condiment gift.

And now I have this open Spiced Cranberry Apple Chutney open. I can't give it as a "slightly used" gift. It joins the ranks of other sauces and marinades that have sounded promising, then disappointed. Sitting in my refridgerator, waiting for it to ferment so I can at least get tipsy when I consume it.

Or I may have a "share your condiment" party. Stay tuned.

Holy Jalapeno!

Condiment Grrl


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