Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A definate preference for the Savory

First off, I must apologize for my horrible lack of blog entries. I was busy at my day job, since blogging about condiments doesn't "quite" cover the bills. And then I went away to a lovely wedding where I got to watch as my dear friend Karen, married her partner Carla. And it was in New Mexico so there were tears of joy and green chiles for miles and miles. Now I love my green chiles spread over my porquito tamale as much as the next person, but their deliciousness was nothing to the absolute emotional deliciousness of watching two people clearly in love and meant to be together, pledge to be there for each other through thick and thin, better or worse, red chiles and green chiles.

And afterwards we danced and ate lots of fajitas.

But that's not what this entry is about. It's about Caramelized Onions from Williams-Sonoma. To be truthful, I look askance at Williams-Sonoma because they're just a little too smug about their shining silver chafing dishes and their entitlement to a place in your sparkling chef's kitchen. And frankly, when I thought of them, I thought of fondue spears and citrus zesters, not condiments, but it seems every Tom, Dick, and William (heh heh) are getting into the condiment business. And someone saw fit to gift me with a jar of Caramelized Onions which are "a delicious savory topping for sandwiches, hamburgers, and panini." I have tried this sweet, yet savory glop (I can't find the more technical word for it) on those things yet, but I have tried it on pork chops and cheddar cheese and found it quite tasty. The onions are tender and soaked and prodded down to a fine squiggly mess in with the body of the sauce that also contains Balsamic Glaze, Caramel, Butter, and Sea Salt.

You know it's good when you would eat each one of the ingredients on its own. Butter AND Caramel. It's like the angels smiling from heaven. My one complaint is that it's a little TOO sweet. It's like the makers didn't trust the savory to be good, but honestly, isn't that just the main problem with America today? But, for full disclosure, I don't like Krispy Kreme donuts -- they're just too gooey sweet. I like a little bite to my donut, a hint of the grease and flour that went into the pastry. And I'd like a little more taste of the eye-watering onion. But it's still quite good.

And I would put a picture up, but I've given up on my condiment photography (I really, really suck), and now steal the pictures from the product website, but I could not locate this on the Williams-Sonoma website. And I'm a professional.

A professional what, I couldn't tell you, but one day I'll find out.

Condiment Grrl

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