Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Condiment Synchronicity at "Spin the Bottle"

So, I'm quite a flexible person. Beyond the Yoga and Pilates, I also have been known to perform. And people have been telling me, "Condiment Grrl, your stunning beauty and your witty way must be on the stage! Now!" Okay, maybe they didn't phrase it quite that way, but you get the point.

So acceeding to their wishes and my own lust for fame, last Friday night, I performed in a late night cabaret with the estimable Annex Theatre, Spin The Bottle. This is a fabulous cabaret that has been going on for years and years, always hosted by the wonderfully dry Bruce Hall. You can see everything and anything there -- I myself have seen The McDonaldLand Theater company, dirty fun smut from Kerri Healy, sublime sexy shadow puppetry from Scot Augustson, and all kinds of cool things.

Of course you are all thinking, "But Condiment Grrl, how could you possibly be involved in something that might be R-rated!" And I say to you that my readings, except for my treatise on Savory flavored Love Toys, were all ready for good family fun.

While I was waiting in the lounge with the other performers, I watched a lovely young woman loading condiment bottles with their matching colored condiments -- ketchup, mustard, mayo. Then I watched her take off all her clothes and paint blue stars on her breasts. As it turned out, without any pre-planning by the Artistic Director, Bret Fetzer, of the event, they were also showing condiment related burlesque!

The Moon was Clearly in Mustard.

Sadly, I had to leave at intermission and missed the act which involved a young woman in a secretary's outfit attempting to put condiments on her lunch, only to spray herself "accidentally" causing her to constantly remove one layer of clothing after another. It sounds delightful and I shall have to go and look out for more from these young women -- Bianca Cabrerra and Jenna Bean Veatch. Clearly, they are destined for great success.

Maybe, in fact, we should do a variety show devoted entirely to condiments.

It's a thought. And clearly, the world awaits!

Condiment Grrl

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